A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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This is a fan rewrite of the game Anodyne by Analgesic Productions in C# using MonoGame.

It's based on the original game's source code, which can be found over here: https://github.com/analgesicproductions/Anodyne-1-Repo

The aim is to be faithful to the original, with some UX improvements and a more modular/moddable codebase.

Overview of changes

  • Render at 60 FPS(VSync and unlocked are also available) using OpenGL, effects are done using shaders instead of CPU-side computation
  • Controller support
    • Switch Pro controller support needs Steam to be active to work correctly
  • Indicator of currently selected broom in top left of the screen
    • Swapping between brooms doesn't require using the menu - PgUp/Dwn and controller shoulder buttons switch between them, 1-4 sets the current broom directly
  • Unopened chest indicator on minimaps on screens you've visited. No more searching for that one chest in the entire dungeon you missed
  • Minimap shows floor numbers for multi-floor dungeons
  • Return to entrance now returns you to the screen where you entered the dungeon (most notable in REDCAVE with its multiple entrances)
  • Several bugfixes for softlocks and non-essential glitches (wiggle glitch is still in, have fun!)


This code and assets are released under the same conditions as the Anodyne 1 license (found here), we do not claim ownership over the IP.

What this means for you as a player is that we expect you to own the original, to support the wonderful people who made this possible at Analgesic Productions.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Linux.zip 113 MB
Portable.zip 87 MB
Windows.zip 83 MB

Development log


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(1 edit)

A couple questions - so, I apparently have Anodyne as part of a bundle I bought several years ago, but have never downloaded or played it.  First, do I need to have it installed in order to use this fan remake?  Second, would you recommend playing the original first, or starting with this?

You do not need to have to install the original to play this version. This version has some quality of life features and some bug fixes, but it’s otherwise the same game experience. Do note that saves are sadly not cross compatible.

I love this game and this project, thank you!

But sorry i have a question: I have my progress about the original anodyne on steam, i had found the save file and the save file i've precedentally created in your game but the file are different, how can i import my progress in your mod? Thank you

I'm afraid that's not possible. We've had to rework quite a bit of the level and dialogue data for our own engine, both of which make it very hard to migrate a save file.

so uh... I don't know why, but the Mountain Cave(CROWD) is just black and the ui for me.

That's really odd. What operating system do you play on and what language is your system set to?

Windows(10), English(US).

I also downloaded the Portable Version(which did load my save IDK if that does anything) and had the same issue.

Started a new save and used cheats to hightail it to the cave and issue still showed up.

I just released a new version. Could you check if this solves the issue?

it indeed fixes things. Huzzah!

That's good to hear!


Where are the saves located on Windows? I just beat the game and want to back them up in the cloud.


The save files are located in AppData/Local/AnodyneFanRemake/Saves. Thank you for playing!

No, thank you for making this. I got the original recently and after reading about this remake I started over. Much improved. Great little game!

where are the instructions located?
how can i run the portable version on MacOS?

(1 edit)

The instructions are located on the download page, but I'll reproduce them here for you.

For the portable version, you need to install the .NET 6 runtime for your platform(from Microsoft's website), then run `dotnet AnodyneSharp.dll` from within a terminal in the game's installation directory.

This is the best we can do for Mac users, since we don't have Apple hardware ourselves to build+sign an executable.


This is great. Works beautifully on Steam Deck without any hassle getting the game to work on some obscure obsolete Adobe platform. Thanks a lot for this!


Glad to hear it works well!


Impressive work! 🧹

Do you think you’ll be releasing the code for your port as well?


There's a link to our github in the more info tab on this page ^^

Ah, cool!


Love the art, the palette also is very pretty.


You can thank https://even-kei.itch.io/ for that. She made the art in the original, we've only changed a few small things here and there.